Saturday 24 March 2012

Action Plans

27th June 2011
Primary and Secondary research
 1st July 2011
Complete all secondary research
Complete style model analysis
Complete storyboarding ideas 
18th July 2011

Complete all secondary research
Add in all videos so far
9th August 2011
16th August 2011
Continue to edit the song
Create a location shooting list and request permission for shooting locations
Create a mise-en-scene list
22nd August 2011
Update storyboard (lighting)
Create a blog blurb
Research extra narrative theories and apply them to my task
29th August 2011
Ensure all images are JPEG
Research extra narrative theories and apply them to my task
5th September 2011
Research extra narrative theories and apply them to my task
Redraft the storyboard to fit timings of song
12th September 2011
Plan ancillary tasks, CD digipak and magazine initial sketches
Find style models for ancillary tasks
19th September 2011
Create a first draft of ancillary task one (CD digipak)
Receive feedback for first draft
Evaluate the draft according to feedback
Begin a second draft
26th September 2011
Receive feedback for first draft
Evaluate first draft according to feedback
Begin second draft
Begin filming footage for music video, editing it into the first draft.
Evaluate my progress on the music video.
3rd October 2011
Evaluate first draft of music video.
Begin second batch of filming
10th October 2011
Attempt to use page 2 / 2nd last page of booklet as front cover of CD, change original front cover to insert
CD interior as possible back cover of CD
2nd last page of booklet / page 2 as poster?
Clone houses out of shots
Clean up cut outs of guitar
17th October 2011 
Complete ancillary draft evaluations 
Review storyboard to determine whether locations need to be changed due to changing seasons
24th October 2011
Complete ancillary draft evaluations 
Review storyboard to determine whether locations need to be changed due to changing seasons 
31st October 2011
7th November 2011
Complete the editing process of video
Receive audience feedback for completed drafts 
Begin overall evaluation
14th November 2011 
22nd November 2011
Add evaluation and drafts of tasks
Receive feedback for final products

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