Monday 26 March 2012

Main Task Style Model Research 1

Text: Hey There Delilah (Plain White T's)

  • Girl going about her daily routine
  • Boy plays guitar, singing about her
  • Seeing his and her lives now they’re far away from each other
  • Quite mundane, repetitive scenes, going on transport, playing guitar, standing around.
 Camera Shots:
  • Shaky camera effect, used to show characters walking around.
  • Tracking shots to follow girl’s movement.
  • Panning left and right, with hand held camera effect, as if the audience is with the girl watching what she does.
Representation of Characters:
  • Boy thinking of girl, sad but mundane? He appears happy that he can write a song for her to remember him.
  • Girl is quite serious, calm face. Possibly missing home, represented by her constant movement and watching the city go by thoughtfully.
Colour Scheme:
  • Light grey and black for boy, sepia effect.
  • Blues, and darker colours for girl.
  • Lots of jump cuts, changing shots, making the girl appear further down the street, etc.  
  • Split screen effect, show more than one character

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