Monday 26 March 2012

Main Task Style Model Research 2

Text: The Scientist (Coldplay)

  • Main character goes backwards (“back to the start”), shows where he’s come from to end up on a mattress in the street (from a car crash with his girlfriend).
  • People in the street, playing basketball, walking over a railroad track, going through the woods
  • Running through the night, walking past girl lying on the floor, getting back into the car, laying unconscious in the car as glass reforms the windscreen and car rolls back up the hill onto the road.
  • Girlfriend removed seatbelt just before crash to put on jacket.
Camera Shots:
  • Zoom out, show the whole scene.
  • Ariel shot to see the main character laying down, looking up.
  • 360-degree rotation around character.  
  • Range of long shots and medium shots showing character walking backwards.
  • Multi-shots of various scenarios, group shots of the public moving around central character.
  • Establishing shots to show the settings.
  • Point of view shots from the car, enable the audience to experience what the characters see.
Representation of Characters:
  • Central character is thoughtful; the reverse narrative enables him to retrace his steps to the beginning of the story. 
  • The audience watch his emotional journey backwards (from numb to ‘the accident’) to understand how he ended up where he is at the beginning of the video.
Colour Scheme:
  • Large contrast on colours (white and black against blue).
  • No out of place colouring, outside scenery gives lots of varied colours (from the streets to the woods).
  • Reverse narrative, lead singer had to learn how to sing the song backwards. 
  • Lots of fade cuts, changing from one scene to another.

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